Lord Narayana is worshiped in several impersonations and Krishna is one of the widely adored appearances. He is one incarnation of Vedic Supreme God Vishnu and also the son of Vasudeva and Debaki. While Lord Vishnu is protecting the world, his incarnation Krishna restores ‘Dharma’ by eradicating evil and also liberating people from their sufferings. If Lord Krishna is your role model, a brass Krishna murti worth having. The idol of Krishna can inspire the surrounding people in several difficult situations with the vibes of his life. The statue of Lord Krishna simply adds a beauty to any place you keep it, makes it an excellent decorative item for both home and office. If planning to gift something to a close one to their birthday, wedding, anniversary or on any kind of special occasion, you can decide on a Brass Krishna Murti. If will be an amazing gift item.

Brass Krishna Antique Standing Idol
Rs. 2,100

Brass Lord Krishna Stonework - 14 Inches
Rs. 3,330

Brass Radha Krishna - 14 Inches
Rs. 5,700

Brass Lord Krishna Idol Statue - 30 Inches
Rs. 25,000

Brass Krishna with Cow Idol Paoti
Rs. 5,000

Brass Krishna with Cow Idol
Rs. 1,930

Brass Krishna with Cow Stonework
Rs. 1,400

Brass Little Krishna Idol
Rs. 925