Hanuman is widely and best known as the devotee of Lord Rams as per Ramayana, while also worshipped as God. He is the son of Anjanadevi and Vayudeva. Itihasa says that he was mischievous in his childhood and had subsequently been punished. Sooryadeva himself teaches Hanuman and becomes the most perfect of yogis around space and time. And in Ramayana, he is one of the brightest and most important characters because of his extraordinary intelligence and elegant speech. And that’s the way he made a position in people as the God of strength and personal beauty.
So, bring strength and intelligence to your home with a brass Hanuman sculpture. There is the statue of Hanuman in various forms – seated, standing, with Gandhomadhob Parbot in one hand, five faces and ten hands and more. Brass Hanuman can be an ideal gift for special days, such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, pooja, Diwali etc. It’s also an ideal gift that you can pick if want to motivate someone for strength and intelligence.
So, bring strength and intelligence to your home with a brass Hanuman sculpture. There is the statue of Hanuman in various forms – seated, standing, with Gandhomadhob Parbot in one hand, five faces and ten hands and more. Brass Hanuman can be an ideal gift for special days, such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, pooja, Diwali etc. It’s also an ideal gift that you can pick if want to motivate someone for strength and intelligence.

Brass Garuda and Hanuman Idol
Rs. 1,150

Brass Idol Garuda and Hanuman
Rs. 970

Brass Panchmukhi Hanuman Idol
Rs. 2,700